In this week’s episode, we find myself (Kim) and Jenny traveling together on a sister’s weekend to the beautiful North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota and everything is going right… it seems like it’s going to be an awesome vacation… maybe?
Our second and third stories this week are two, cute short, and of course, funny, moments in the lives of Erin and then myself. First off, Erin shares a sort of cautionary tale and then I proudly share another embarrassing moment about a tail,but not the kind of tale you tell. This is Kim A. Flodin and Welcome to How in the Hell did I get here? Quick note: Today’s episode includes swear words. We're celebrating Episode 10 and Kari's birthday with this episode! Thanks so much for listening, if you love the show, please help us out and share it with a friend! And, it’s really a huge deal to us if you leave and itunes rating and review! If you have a How in the Hell story to share, call our story line at 323-488-3303 and you might hear yourself on the show! That’s 323-488-3303! If you prefer to write your story and have it read on the air, please send it to how in the hell did I get here at That’s how in the hell did I get here at or use the contact form on our website, how in the hell podcast. com Today’s show was produced by Kim A. Flodin and features myself, Jenny Gardner, Erin Gardner and Kari Flodin. Big thanks to Silent Partner for our theme song, 7th Floor Tango and our ad music, Blue Skies downloaded from the YouTube Free Music Audio Library. Listen on itunes (and leave a review!) Join us on Facebook Support us on Patreon Listen on YouTube Special thanks to The Coloring Book Coach, find your free coloring book at Episode 9: The Fart Heard Around the World, Tased & Confused, In Trouble with the Law (again)3/21/2019
This week we bring you stories of life’s mortifying moments, as only could happen to us.
In our first story, I’m at a company Christmas party when something happens that is so unexpected and embarrassing that I have to decide how I’m going to manage this How in the hell did I get here moment?! In our second story this week, Jenny is working second shift, which means a late night walk to her car. However, there’s something different about this night… she’s parked far away in a scary and unfamiliar ramp. She spent a lot of time listening toCoasttoCoastAm and scaring the shit out of herself! In our last story, Kari takes us back to high school and shares a story she’s never told anyone, until now! Quick note: Today’s episode includes swear words. If you have a How in the Hell story to share, call our story line at 323-488-3303 and you could hear yourself on the show! That’s 323-488-3303! Today’s show was produced by Kim A. Flodin and features myself, Jenny Gardner, and Kari Flodin. Big thanks to Silent Partner for our theme song, 7th Floor Tango and our ad music, Blue Skies downloaded from the YouTube Free Music Audio Library. Listen on itunes (and leave a review!) Join us on Facebook Support us on Patreon Listen on YouTube
Bobby caused the curse when he picked up the Tiki God Statue. And, here's Bentley the Beagle, the dog with a cat on his back, ....a very naughty dog, who maybe had his own curse with that darn cat.
Today we bring you three stories of things not quite going the way we expected and the hilarious and interesting results.
In our first story, Jenny and her husband Bill have a date night and end up at Target… where all the best date nights end, right and also where Jenny sees something she’ll never forget. Next up in story number 2, I’m in Hawaii visiting my good friend Chris and recovering from a series of How in the Hell Did I Get here moments, when all of a sudden, I feel very aligned with the Brady Bunch and what happened to them when they visited Hawaii. They ended up cursed! Well, guess what, it happened to me, too! Do you have a How in the Hell Did I Get Here story to share? We want to hear it! You could be featured as a call-in story teller, Call us now at 323-488-3303 and leave us your story! Today’s show was produced by Kim A. Flodin and features myself, Jenny Gardner, Erin Beach and Kari Flodin. One more thing, I wanted to give a shout out to my friend, Betsy Heeney and her terrific podcast, Elder & Wiser… highly recommended listen! Meet you back here next week for more How in the Hell Did I Get Here stories! Until then, pay attention my friends – you just never know when you might find yourself saying: How in the Hell Did I Get Here? Thanks so much for listening… we’re having a great time and we hope you are, too. Please remember to share, subscribe and leave us and iTunes rating and review. Hey! Did you hear Kari’s PSA about drinking at the end? You don’t want to miss that! LOL Today’s episode includes swearing. Our theme song is 7th Floor Tango by Silent Partner and was downloaded from the YouTube Free Music Audio Library. (listen on YouTube) Listen on itunes Join us on Facebook Support us on Patreon
Quick note: Today’s episode includes swearing. And we apologize for the uneven sound quality this week… we had some technical difficulties.
We might not have been the most conventional family on the block... One of the things that happens in our family is a chronic under-reaction to crazy things that most people would most likely have somewhat of a bigger reaction to.. like, say, a gunshot wound, otherwise known as a GSW. In our family, we hardly bat an eye because it’s just one more crazy thing, right? Especially if no one dies or is seriously injured – maybe its because we come from such a large family – 7 kids, so there’s more possibility of crazy things happening more often OR maybe it’s because we’ve all become used to dealing with the man we call Crazy Larry, also known as our dad. Enjoy today’s episode featuring my sister Jenny – it’s all one story that we’re calling Pregnant Cat, Gunshot Wound, Christmas Present. This is Kim A. Flodin and Welcome to How in the Hell Did I Get Here? (Side note: It turns out the BB that came out of our brother Matt was put there by our brother, Kris… so Crazy Larry is off the hook on that one.) If you have a How in the Hell Did I Get Here story and would like the chance to be featured as a call-in story teller, give us a call right now at 323-488-3303 and leave us your story! That’s 323-488-3303 Today’s show was produced by Kim A. Flodin and features Jenny Gardner and Kari Flodin One more thing, I wanted to give a shout out to my friend, Nicole Rivera...if you’re a writer or want to be, check out her podcast Stop Writing Alone to find community and inspiration. It’s fantastic! Our theme song is 7th Floor Tango by Silent Partner and was downloaded from the YouTube Free Music Audio Library. (listen on YouTube) Listen on itunes Join us on Facebook Support us on Patreon |
Thank you YouTube Free Music Audio Library & Silent Partner for our theme song, 7th Floor Tango & ad music, Blue Skies and other songs we've used in the podcast. Find them here: Archives
January 2030